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  Buy Laptops,mininotebooks & Accessories
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:244
发 布 人:todaytex    发布人:QQ 1407106692 ; 微信:1407106692

公司:Buy Laptops,mininotebooks & Accessories
地址: 详细内容 We areas a matter of urgency seeking bulk and competent suppliersof new branded laptops, used laptops and a range of laptops kits and accessories with good batteries life span.Laptops/computers accessories suppliers with branded and quality laptops either new or used stand a better purchase opportunity as product are designated for supply to political party and parliamentary memebers Purchase order quantity considerations would be given suppliers who are able to provide quality warantee and williness to defend their products quality with certificationsIf you are asuppliers or manufacturers of laptops,mininotebooks, /computer accessories withthese capabilities send to us, your full product price offers and presentationwithphotos, not forgetting full specifications andprices etc, for urgent review, order placement and commencement of working agreement.Best Rgds,Mrs.Rose Blair. 联系方式 Email GVMR1155@YAHOO.CO.IN 公司名 TIM FOOTE & ASSOCS, INC. 国家 美国 联系人 Tim Foote 地址 4343 S. Buckley Rd. #340,Aurora,CO 电话 001 303 6908488 [hide]其他[/hide]Email upproud@ms25.hinet.net,aileen@logforever.com.tw,jun@sanyoseiko.co.jp,basneeds@hotmail.com,raysubrata@hotmail.com,
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