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SBLC, BG & LC | |||
发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:54 | |||
发 布 人:todaytex 发布人:QQ 1407106692 ; 微信:1407106692 联系网址:http://www.todaytex.com |
公司:SBLC, BG & LC 国家:follow 联系人:follow 地址: [hide]询盘[/hide]内容 Regarding SBLC/BG, we can arrange a SBLC/BG by one of the banks in Europe or South East Asia. (But not a top bank). No collateral required. Only upfront fee must be paid in advance. Our procedures as follows: 1. Letter of Intent from your company with your banking coordinates. 2. Our Acceptance letter to yourselves plus the specimen of SBLC /BG sign by yourselves, after you have signed the format of the SBLC then we shall not allow any words change from thereof. 3. Deposit the required upfront fees into our company account in Australia within 2 banking days after signed the contract by both parties. 4. Within 7 banking days we shall sending the instrument to your nominate account. 5. You can verify the document and the deal completed. Remarks: * we shall not share or responsible for your loan section * the upfront fee must be paying in advance by cash or TT * If we aren't able to issue the instrument to your account within 5 banking days, we shall immediately refunds all your said deposit and penalty will be applied from us. The price for SBLC with condition is between 16%-25% of the face value with no conditions 25%-35% of the face value of the instrument. Only need 5 banking days then you have 1 Million SBLC simple no hesitate credit checking no full collateral required. For Commercial L/c we have 90 days-180 days with condition. The issuing banks are in either HK or Singapore or Europe. The banks are one of the biggest banks in local. The payment also in advance. not accept any other payment method. 3 banking days to complete the deal after payment are done Usance Letter of Credit for 90 days 电话:above 传真: above 邮箱:above 网址:above 采购本类产品及:above |