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credit line needed against blockage of bonds | |||
发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:26 | |||
发 布 人:todaytex 发布人:QQ 1407106692 ; 微信:1407106692 联系网址:http://www.todaytex.com |
公司:credit line needed against blockage of bonds 国家:follow 联系人:follow 地址: [hide]询盘[/hide]内容 Dear Sir I am sending you two types of Bonds/Assets to be analyzed for the purpose of geting a credit line against their blockage: 1. Secured funding an offset bond (Indemnity bond) from USA/Issued by the Government (I am sending you a sample of a bond of 500 Millions usd) that is on deposit with the U. S. Treasury Department (it is not bancarized). The bond has the origin in the UCC1 Screen (Screen in Washington) and it is cash backed. The bond is posted on UCC 3 Screen (public screen in USA). As the bond is not bancarized, so no swift MT can be issued for the blockage to get a credit line, so the only way to block the bond for a credit line is on UCC3 Screen / Public screen, but also the bond can be sent by courier to the Lender's Bank and be deposited for blockage purpose. My client needs a credit line or discount the asset. These type of bonds do not have ISIN and CUSIP. And are not posted on euroclear or DTC. 2. Treasury Bills of exchange: These type of assets are also issued by the Government of USA and are not bancarize neither posted on Euroclear or DTC. These bills are only posted on Public Screen in USA (UCC3 Screen), where they can be blocked and the original (hard copy) can be also deposited in the Bank that provides the credit line. The procedure to check the Bill on line is attached in a file. I can provide you with these two types of assets and for different amounts. Please send me your comments about the possibilities you can manage with the assets. Kind Regards Cristian Williams williams.cristian@gmail.com Cell-phone (Argentina): +5492615714411 Skype ID: cristiangw I want to receive: [hide]询盘[/hide]联系方式 Intelligenty Solutions Cristian Williams williams.cristian@gmail.com 54-9261-5714411 电话:above 传真: above 邮箱:above 网址:above 采购本类产品及:above |