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Import | |||
发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:25 | |||
发 布 人:todaytex 发布人:QQ 1407106692 ; 微信:1407106692 联系网址:http://www.todaytex.com |
公司:Import 国家:follow 联系人:follow 地址: [hide]询盘[/hide]内容 Dear Sir, We take much pleasure introducing ourselves as one of the leading Diagnostics Reagent & Medical Equipment importer in Bangladesh. We are very much interested in importing your HBsAg, HIV, HCV & TP Elisa Kits & Biochemestry Reagents continously. You are requested to give us the price list for our study and further proceedings. Your urgent reply on above will be highly appreciated. Thanking you Yours truly M. Humayun Kabir Micro Well International X-13, Nurjahan Road Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207 Bangladesh Tel: +880-2-9136818, 9141831 Fax:+880-2-9142432 E-mail: microwel@bttb.net.bd I want to receive: [hide]询盘[/hide]联系方式 Micro Well International M.Humayun Kabir microwel@btcl.net.bd 088-02-9136818 电话:above 传真: above 邮箱:above 网址:above 采购本类产品及:above |