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  INquiry RESIN
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:29
发 布 人:todaytex    发布人:QQ 1407106692 ; 微信:1407106692

公司:INquiry RESIN
地址: [hide]询盘[/hide]内容 Gentlemen, We search Manufacturers and Deliverers of Resin of PVC and its Polymers, to Supply to Brazil, this consuming average small search comes to take care of the e, leaving does not have possibility to take care of the Great consumers in Brazil, who are, the industries that Equipment of Security, as Helmets, Eyeglasses, among others. Summary of the Products, that I need: - PP - Polypropylene - Resin of PVC - POLYSTYRENE GPPS - STYRON 6886G NATURAL POLYSTYRENE - PMMA IG 840 - POLIOL RANDON (Acrylic Resin) (POLYMETHYL METHA ACRYLATE) Please, in them it sends List of Resins and Perches, price and instructions to get Samples for evaluation of our purchasers. Best Regards, Isaac Alves E-mail: isaac@logimexlogistica.com.br Skype: isaac.mtf msn: isaac_demais@hotmail.com I want to receive: Price Payment . Sample Needed . Delivery Info . Minimum Order . Packing Info . [hide]询盘[/hide]联系方式 LOGIMEX LOGISTICA ISAAC ALVES isaac@logimexlogistica.com.br 55-13-3219-8389
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