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  ''HYDRAULIC BREAK HOSE'' , ''SAEJ 14011/8 size of 3.2 1/8''
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:29
发 布 人:todaytex    发布人:QQ 1407106692 ; 微信:1407106692

公司:''HYDRAULIC BREAK HOSE'' , ''SAEJ 14011/8 size of 3.2 1/8''
地址: [hide]询盘[/hide]内容 Dear Sir/Madam, I have reached your company's details through the internet, and we are interested of ''HYDRAULIC BREAK HOSE'' Our company name is ''ULUDAG METAL'' We establish in 2003 in TURKEY. Since than we use or sell 30000 mt. hydraulic break hose in a mounth. We would appreciate if you could give us a price offer for the 2008 model of ''SAEJ 14011/8 size of 3.2 1/8'' Do you do it in 300-100 mt rolls or do you sell them in parts. If you do them in rolls that would be our choice. Couality is one of the important thing for us. We would appreciate your prompt reply, because it is a kind of urgent request. Looking forward to hear from you. CEMAL ULUDAG, Company: ULUDAG METAL tel: 00905324098101 for english talk; Ezgi ULUDAG tel: 00905333808638 I want to receive: Product Spec . Price Payment . Sample Needed . Delivery Info . Product Catalog . Minimum Order . Inventory Info . Packing Info . [hide]询盘[/hide]联系方式 ULUDAG METAL EZGI ULUDAG ezgitubay@yahoo.com 90-533-3808638
传真: above


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