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Inquiry Mobile Phone for Turkey Market | |||
发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:27 | |||
发 布 人:todaytex 发布人:QQ 1407106692 ; 微信:1407106692 联系网址:http://www.todaytex.com |
公司:Inquiry Mobile Phone for Turkey Market 国家:follow 联系人:follow 地址: [hide]询盘[/hide]内容 Dear Sir or Madam, We are an importer, wholesaler and Distributor Company located in Istanbul at Turkey. We would like to inform you that we have visited your web site and we have interested in your products as below. (GSM to GSM) double sim card with [hide]询盘[/hide]联系方式 NOKTA BILISIM LTD.STI. MAHMUT AGAOGULLARI info@uzmannokta.com 90-216-4816920 电话:above 传真: above 邮箱:above 网址:above 采购本类产品及:above |