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  Toaster Oven & Pizza Pan 12L TO-12A
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:80
发 布 人:todaytex    发布人:QQ 1407106692 ; 微信:1407106692

公司:Toaster Oven & Pizza Pan 12L TO-12A
地址: [hide]询盘[/hide]内容 PLS QUOTE ME THE EXACT ITEM: Features/Specifications: Voltage 220v, Output power 1400W 12 L interior capacity 4 power settings, Temperature adjustable Aluminium plated inner chamber. Bump chamber special for 12" Pizza Stainless steel heating tube Heat-resistant tempered glass window THE DETAILS IS AS FOLLOWS: http://clients.relate.com.au/ctg_catalogue/ProductCatalogueDetail.asp?ProductID=131&CategoryID=14 Our Quantity is = 1 x40" container. 1) Please email me your BEST QUOTATION. 2) Please specify if your product has any safety certifications 3) Please specify if you have any customers in Australia 4) Packaging is extremely important to us because we supply many companies, including mail-order companies and need the packaging to be mail-order quality. Please confirm if you can do this and show pictures. 5) Please specify dimensions of the carton Please email me at: graceportelar@yahoo.com I look forward to your soonest reply. Regards, Grace Portela Group Pty Ltd Suite 8,125 Oxford St,Bond Junction,NSW,2036,Australia I want to receive: [hide]询盘[/hide]联系方式 portelar grace young graceportelar@yahoo.com 61-29-37598473
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