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  Buy Wedding Favors 求购采购信息 Buying leads
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:86
发 布 人:todaytex    发布人:QQ 1407106692 ; 微信:1407106692

公司:Buy Wedding Favors 求购采购信息 Buying leads
地址: 采购内容Buy Wedding Favors [hide]详细内容[/hide]I'm interested about: mint tins, bride and groom favor bags, candles,bottle stoppers, diamond ring keychain, soap favors, tuxedo and gown favor boxes, gumball machines, cookie cutters, glass coasters, invitattions.I'm interested about your products, ill appreciate if you can send me your catalog with photos and prices, lower pricesI got prices that I can find in retail stores (USA) I am writting to you because I need lower prices, not ones for the general public like the ones I got. Would you be so kind as to send me a new mail with more accesible prices? I would like to offer and sale these products in Mexico.Thank you very much for your help.I look forward for your respondBest regards Country:Mexico联系形式:公司/电话/传真/电邮联系方式Co:nadia garciaTel: 52-492-1341185 Fax: 52-492-1341185 Email:nadiachuchita@hotmail.comLinkMan:Nadia
传真: above


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