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  Buy Tin Mill Black Plate 求购采购信息 Buying leads
  发布时间: 2024-6-28 浏览:75
发 布 人:todaytex    发布人:QQ 1407106692 ; 微信:1407106692

公司:Buy Tin Mill Black Plate 求购采购信息 Buying leads
地址: 采购内容Buy Tin Mill Black Plate [hide]详细内容[/hide]Dear, We would like to introduce ourselves as a tinplate manufacturer in Pakistan having production capacity of 120,000 MT per annum. Currently, we are utilizing around 70% of our production capacity for our domestic market. We are the largest consumer of TMBP/CRC and need material of gauges from 0.15mm to 0.45mm.Our monthly requirement of raw material is around 7000 MT to 8000 MT. It would be highly appreciated, if you could give us your favourable comments on that and can spare your valuable time for us to meet with your good self in your office to discuss on the matter.Your early response in this regard shall be highly appreciated.Country:Pakistan联系方式Co:siddiqsons groupAdd:shahra e faisal, karachi, pakistan , sind, Tel:92-021-03142166247 Fax:92-021-4325322 Email:saadjustice@yahoo.comLinkMan:MUHAMMAD SAAD HUSSAIN
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